Alliance In Motion Global Inc. Future Building

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How We can prevent Heart Attack by using CholeDuz?

Photo: Cardiovascular Diseases

coronary heart(artery) disease otherwise known as Ischemic
Heart Disease (IHD) or cardivascular diseases.Condition that
affects supply of blood to the heart.
The blood vessels are narrowed or blocked due to the deposition
of cholesterol plaques on their walls.

This reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart
musculature,which is essential for the heart functioning.
This may eventually result in a portion of the heart,stop blood
supply leads to heart tissue die.

Cardiovascular diseases involve the heart and the blood vessels;
blood vessels include veins, arteries, and capillaries. These blood
vessels are responsible for maintaining the flow of blood to the
body. Principally, in any cardiovascular disease, a patient suffers
from blocked blood vessels that prevent the normal flow of blood
to the body and disrupts the heart's regular functioning.
Apart from the risk factors mentioned above, the other causes of
cardiovascular diseases are atherosclerosis and hypertension.
Atherosclerosis is a condition that is characterized by thickening
or hardening of the arteries due to plaque deposition along the
walls of the arteries. This narrows the passage in the arteries
through which blood flows and limits the supply of blood to the
rest of the body. Hypertension is a disorder in which the arterial
blood pressure increases. A hypertensive heart needs to pump
harder than usual under a lot of pressure.

Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for almost 600,000
deaths in the US every year. Although the rate reduced by 33%
from 1999 to 2009, it is still a matter of concern. Coronary heart
disease is the leading cause of death claiming almost 385,000
lives annually.


The major risk factors are smoking ,diabetes mellitusand
cholesterol levels. Hypertension is also one of the major risk
causing CHD.
Genetic and hereditary also responsible for the disease.
Males are more prone IHD.

Risk for this condition includes:

Personal or family history of heart attack, angina unstable
angina,atherosclerosis or othe coronary artery diseases.
High blood pressure
High fat diet
Signs and symptoms:
The first sign of ischemic heart disease is severe chest pain of
myocardial infraction.
Warning symptoms
may occur in large number of patients in the
form of angina pectoris.

The main symptom of the angina is pain on the central chest
and some times radiate down the left arm or to the jaw or to the
Decreased alertness and concentration
Decreased urine output
More urine at night times
Overall swelling
Breathing difficulty when lying down
May feel tight pressure,squeezing,crushing
Physical examination -leg swelling,enlarged liver,crackles in
lungs,extra heart sounds,or an elevated pressure in the neck
MRI of chest
BIOPSY of heart is needed in rear cases to rule out the other
A heart transplantation may recommended all the standard
treatments are failed.
With proper treatment most people are lead normal and healthy
Good control of diabetes and hypertension significantly improves
the outlook.

''Choleduz Omega Supreme''

Choleduz Omega Supreme is a premium potency source of fish
oil that is molecularly distilled! Choleduz Omega Supreme is a
dietary supplement in softgel form that contains Fish Oil plus
Vitamin E that are essential in reducing the bad cholesterol. Fish
Oil Fish oil is derived from the tissue of oily fish. It contains
Omega-3 fatty acid, EPA and DHA. It helps regulate cholesterol
in the body. It is beneficial in the anti-inflamattory properties
and positive effects on the body composition. Fish oil also
reduces the risks of depression and suicide.
Health benefits of Choleduz Omega Supreme:

• Greatly reduced bad cholesterol and helps decrease high blood
• Reduce the risk of Coronary
• Heart Disease and its complications
• Supports healthy eyes
Improves brain cognitive functions
• Ideal prenatal and nursing supplement for infant brain
• Heart benefits of Omega -3 EPA/DHA
• Reduces platelet aggregation (stickiness)
• Improves blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart
• Lowers blood pressure

Choleduz Omega Supreme is manufactured by Nature's Way, a
billion-dollar company and the number one Food Supplement/
Herbal Company in the USA for over 40 years. Choleduz Omega
Supreme is approved and recognized by: Bureau of Food and
Drugs (BFAD, FR 73934 US Food and Drug Administration Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Brunei Ministry of Health.
VIDA Cardio-Ceutical drink Lycovera Nutra-Blend
A vasodilator refreshment drink, works by widenening smooth
blood vessels and help prevent high blood pressure.
It is sugar free, sweetened by Stevia, tested to be safe, all
natural herbal zero caloric sweetener product.

Stevia can be a part of a healthy diet for anyone with blood
sugar problems since it does not raise blood sugar levels.
"Published clinical human studies have shown that intake of
30mg, 90mg and 270mg of resVida to 62% to 91% immediate
increase in Artery Dilation within 1 hour, monitored through
FMD." - Dr. Peter Howe, University of South Australia
"Another published human clinical study has also shown that
intake of 75mg of resVida daily for 6 to 8 weeks resulted to 23%
sustained increase of Artery Dilation thru FMD monitoring. - Dr.
Iris Kunz, DSM Senior Scientist and Clinical Trial Manager"




Cardiovascular Diseases

coronary heart(artery) disease otherwise known as Ischemic
Heart Disease (IHD) or cardivascular diseases.Condition that
affects supply of blood to the heart.
The blood vessels are narrowed or blocked due to the deposition
of cholesterol plaques on their walls.

This reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart
musculature,which is essential for the heart functioning.
This may eventually result in a portion of the heart,stop blood
supply leads to heart tissue die.

Cardiovascular diseases involve the heart and the blood vessels;
blood vessels include veins, arteries, and capillaries. These blood
vessels are responsible for maintaining the flow of blood to the
body. Principally, in any cardiovascular disease, a patient suffers
from blocked blood vessels that prevent the normal flow of blood
to the body and disrupts the heart's regular functioning.
Apart from the risk factors mentioned above, the other causes of
cardiovascular diseases are atherosclerosis and hypertension.
Atherosclerosis is a condition that is characterized by thickening
or hardening of the arteries due to plaque deposition along the
walls of the arteries. This narrows the passage in the arteries
through which blood flows and limits the supply of blood to the
rest of the body. Hypertension is a disorder in which the arterial
blood pressure increases. A hypertensive heart needs to pump
harder than usual under a lot of pressure.

Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for almost 600,000
deaths in the US every year. Although the rate reduced by 33%
from 1999 to 2009, it is still a matter of concern. Coronary heart
disease is the leading cause of death claiming almost 385,000
lives annually.


The major risk factors are smoking ,diabetes mellitusand
cholesterol levels. Hypertension is also one of the major risk
causing CHD.
Genetic and hereditary also responsible for the disease.
Males are more prone IHD.

Risk for this condition includes:

Personal or family history of heart attack, angina unstable
angina,atherosclerosis or othe coronary artery diseases.
High blood pressure
High fat diet
Signs and symptoms:
The first sign of ischemic heart disease is severe chest pain of
myocardial infraction.
Warning symptoms
may occur in large number of patients in the
form of angina pectoris.

The main symptom of the angina is pain on the central chest
and some times radiate down the left arm or to the jaw or to the
Decreased alertness and concentration
Decreased urine output
More urine at night times
Overall swelling
Breathing difficulty when lying down
May feel tight pressure,squeezing,crushing
Physical examination -leg swelling,enlarged liver,crackles in
lungs,extra heart sounds,or an elevated pressure in the neck
MRI of chest
BIOPSY of heart is needed in rear cases to rule out the other
A heart transplantation may recommended all the standard
treatments are failed.
With proper treatment most people are lead normal and healthy
Good control of diabetes and hypertension significantly improves
the outlook.

''Choleduz Omega Supreme''

Choleduz Omega Supreme is a premium potency source of fish
oil that is molecularly distilled! Choleduz Omega Supreme is a
dietary supplement in softgel form that contains Fish Oil plus
Vitamin E that are essential in reducing the bad cholesterol. Fish
Oil Fish oil is derived from the tissue of oily fish. It contains
Omega-3 fatty acid, EPA and DHA. It helps regulate cholesterol
in the body. It is beneficial in the anti-inflamattory properties
and positive effects on the body composition. Fish oil also
reduces the risks of depression and suicide.
Health benefits of Choleduz Omega Supreme:

• Greatly reduced bad cholesterol and helps decrease high blood
• Reduce the risk of Coronary
• Heart Disease and its complications
• Supports healthy eyes
Improves brain cognitive functions
• Ideal prenatal and nursing supplement for infant brain
• Heart benefits of Omega -3 EPA/DHA
• Reduces platelet aggregation (stickiness)
• Improves blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart
• Lowers blood pressure

Choleduz Omega Supreme is manufactured by Nature's Way, a
billion-dollar company and the number one Food Supplement/
Herbal Company in the USA for over 40 years. Choleduz Omega
Supreme is approved and recognized by: Bureau of Food and
Drugs (BFAD, FR 73934 US Food and Drug Administration Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Brunei Ministry of Health.
VIDA Cardio-Ceutical drink Lycovera Nutra-Blend
A vasodilator refreshment drink, works by widenening smooth
blood vessels and help prevent high blood pressure.
It is sugar free, sweetened by Stevia, tested to be safe, all
natural herbal zero caloric sweetener product.

Stevia can be a part of a healthy diet for anyone with blood
sugar problems since it does not raise blood sugar levels.
"Published clinical human studies have shown that intake of
30mg, 90mg and 270mg of resVida to 62% to 91% immediate
increase in Artery Dilation within 1 hour, monitored through
FMD." - Dr. Peter Howe, University of South Australia
"Another published human clinical study has also shown that
intake of 75mg of resVida daily for 6 to 8 weeks resulted to 23%
sustained increase of Artery Dilation thru FMD monitoring. - Dr.
Iris Kunz, DSM Senior Scientist and Clinical Trial Manager"



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