Alliance In Motion Global Inc. Future Building

Monday, June 9, 2014

VIDA, Cardio- Ceutical drink

Vida! is a refreshing instant cardio-ceutical drink that combines the power of resVida and carotenoid lycopene to keep your heart in tip-top shape. Vida! has the highest resVida content in instant powdered functional beverage and thus the most potent drink to give you the maximum health benefits your body needs.

Lycopene is one the most potent carotenoid antioxidant that helps reduce the risk atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease by preventing the hardening and clogging of bad cholesterol. It also helps prevent cancer particularly prostate and colon cancer.

Published Clinical Human Studies have shown that intake of 30mg, 90mg and 270mg of resVida resulted to 62% to 91% immediate increase in artery dilation within 1 hour through FMD (Dr. Peter Howe, University of South Australia)

Another Published Human Clinical Study has also shown that daily intake of 75mg of resVida daily for 6 to 8 weeks resulted to 23% sustained increase in artery dilation thru FMD monitoring (Dr. Iris Kunz, DSM Senior Science & Clincal Trial Manager, DSM Nutritionals Switzerland)

Flow Mediated Dilation (FMD) is a well-known and medically accepted gauge of cardiovascular health.
Drink Vida! and enjoy the refreshingly healthy taste that you and your heart will surely love!

  • 62% to 91% immediate increase in Artery Dilatation
  • 23% sustained long-term increase in Artery Dilation
  • Prevents oxidation of cholesterol to keep it from hardening and deposition as plaque in arteries
  • Helps fight cancer
  • Helps activate SIRT1 genes for better cellular protection
  • Helps prevent diabetes
  • Prevents age-related macular degeneration and cataracts
  • Pevent the ageing of the skin and keeps it younger looking
  • Acts as an internal sunscreen and protect skin from sunburn
  • Helps prevent osteoporosis
  • Helps boost sperm counts

DRP: P 390
SRP: P 780

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